a) my sister with American Idol's Matt Giraud
b) a wicked cool pic that i found online and now use as my wallpaper
c) a stock picture of a nintendo wii that i used to place mine up for sale on ebay
d) a picture of my shoulder tattoo

so it's been a busy couple of months since we bought our first house. there's the normal things that go with it, painting, moving things around, making the place feel like home. but we also have been busy since day one with summer kicking into gear we've had birthday parties, baby showers, high school graduations and holidays.
i'm someone who is very content to be at home alone uninterrupted for any amount of time and as much as i love all of my friends, sometimes plans just seem to take away from my me time. it's kinda goofy, kinda silly and very sad all at the same time. but for whatever reason, ever since we bought our house we've found more joy with prying ourselves out of our own little world (when i say we i mean Rie and I, not the voices in my head). i don't know if it's that we feel finally at the place we're going to be and so now we can venture out and see what the world has to offer.

i'm one of those people (i hope it's not just me!) that loves to make plans and i love to be at those plans, but it's that in between time that i bitch and moan about how i don't want to go and how i'd rather be doing 20 different things. i don't know what that is all about but it definitely keeps life interesting for me....and for my wife. are we going to the thing, are we not going to the thing?
that poor woman had no idea what she was getting into when she met me.

but anyway, if you ever get the feeling that i don't want to hang out with you don't worry. i would love to make plans to hang out with you and we will have a great time when we're together, i just won't look forward to doing it ;-)
what (if any) are your weird little secrets about behavior and life? i'd love to hear them.

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